Title IV Information

Academic Progress

Minimal standards include maintenance of a “B” (3.0) or better average and no grades under a “B-” (2.67). Failure to meet these minimum standards of progress will result in the student being placed on probation or being dismissed.  All requirements for graduation must be completed within ten years from the date of matriculation in the Psy.D. program.   In the event of unusual extenuating circumstances, students may request extensions of the year time limit.  If a student withdraws, is expelled from the school, or fails to complete the requirements for a degree in the allotted time, a three-year period must elapse before the student may apply for readmission.  Please see the WSPP Student Handbook for additional information.

Class Attendance Policy

All students should be on time for each class, attend the entire class period, and attend all class meetings. A student should notify the instructor in advance, whenever possible, if special circumstances require the student to be late, leave early, or miss class.  Unless other arrangements are made, it is considered unacceptable to miss more than two (2) classes; unexcused absences are also unacceptable.

Disabled Students

WSPP maintains compliance with requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).  Any student with a disabling condition is requested to make formal notice of need for special accommodations to the Dean either in writing or in person. The request should include whatever considerations are necessary for the student to complete the program successfully.  The request should be made as soon after acceptance to the School as possible.  Every effort will be made to comply with the requests without compromising the quality of the program.  If a student/prospective student disagrees with a decision regarding an accommodation request, she/he may appeal the decision to the ADA/504 Accommodations Coordinator, who is appointed by the President of WSPP, or designee.   Please see the WSPP Student Handbook for more information regarding disabled students.


Students wishing to withdraw from a course must do so in writing to the Dean.  A student who withdraws from a course after the second week of class will receive a grade of (W) Withdrawal. This course will not be counted in the student’s GPA but will appear on the transcript. A student may not withdraw from a course within the last four scheduled class sessions/meetings of the end of the semester.  Tuition refunds will be made according to the schedule below.  Please allow two weeks for processing.

Before 1st class meeting: 100% refund
Before 2nd class meeting: 80% refund
Before 4th class meeting: 60% refund
After 4th class meeting: NONE

Refund and Return of Title IV Financial Aid

  • Students who withdraw from the school will receive a pro-rated refund of educational fees according to the Academic Catalog. The federal formula requires a Return of Title IV aid (R2T4) if the student received federal financial assistance in the form of a Federal Direct Unsubsidized Student loan or Graduate PLUS loan and withdrew on or before completing 60% of the length of the standard academic semester. WSPP offers only standard academic semesters. The percentage of Title IV aid to be returned is equal to the number of calendar days remaining in the semester divided by the number of calendar days in the semester. Scheduled breaks of more than four consecutive days are excluded. This calculation serves to create the percentage of aid earned. 

    If the R2T4 calculation results in an amount to be returned that exceeds the school’s portion, the student may be required to repay some funds to the school. If funds are released to a student because of a credit balance on the student’s account, and then the student withdraws, the student may be required to repay some of their aid. When a withdrawal calculation is completed, the percentage of enrollment period that the student attended is calculated based on the start and end of the enrollment period.
  • If no aid has been disbursed and a student has withdrawn prior to completing 60% of the semester, they may still be eligible for a Post-Withdrawal Disbursement (PWD). If this is the case, a student must be offered an award within 30 days of the date of the school's determination that the student has withdrawn. The student will have 14 days to respond to either accept or decline funds. The disbursement of any requested funds must then be made no later than 180 days of the withdrawal date.
  • Once the calculation is complete, WSPP will return all aid that is not earned, this includes aid that is required for the school to return and aid that is the student’s responsibility to return. When the aid is to be returned, it is returned in this order: Unsubsidized loans, then Graduate Plus Loans. Loan funds may be returned to the Department of Education to reduce the overall student indebtedness. Any funds that will be disbursed on the student's behalf will be considered outstanding loans and repaid by the student according to the terms of the student’s promissory note(s). A worksheet is used to determine the amount of refund or Return of Title IV aid. An example of this worksheet can be found online here. If you would like to know specifically how your refund or return was calculated, please schedule an appointment with the financial aid officer to obtain a copy and go over the calculations.

The following example illustrates how the two policies would apply.

EXAMPLE: A student enrolled in 12 credits withdraws on the eleventh day of classes in a 110-calendar day semester. Therefore, the student completed 10% of the length of the academic term. Also, suppose that the charge for tuition and fees was $15000 and was paid as follows: a $14000 unsubsidized student loan and $1000 paid by the student. Based on the R2T4 calculation, the student is eligible for $1400 in federal unsubsidized student loan funding. Per school policy, the student would owe WSPP $9000. The $1400 unsubsidized loan will go toward the balance as will the $1000 paid by the student, and the student will owe the school for the remaining portion. If the student is eligible for a post withdrawal disbursement after the calculation is complete, the student will be notified in writing to determine if the student wants this aid.

More information on the federal R2T4 policy can be found online here

Complaint Policies and Procedures

WSPP maintains a firm commitment to effective, efficient, equitable, and fair resolution of all serious problems, complaints, allegations of improprieties, and grievances encountered by students. Certain situations, specifically course and examination grade appeals and suspension and expulsion, have additional procedural safeguards and policies.

WSPP fosters an atmosphere of mutual trust and support among all constituencies.  It is anticipated that most student complaints, disputes, and grievances can be handled in an informal manner.  In the rare circumstances in which informal resolution proves unsatisfactory and the student feels that his or her rights have not been sufficiently respected, formal procedures are offered to assist the student in reaching a fair resolution with a guarantee of appropriate due process and respect for personal rights.  A log of all formal complaints filed by students is maintained.

Please see the WSPP Student Handbook for more information regarding informal and formal resolution procedures as well as the maintenance of the student complaint log.

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