WSPP has set minimum standards of academic progress that apply to all students regardless of part- or full-time status and regardless of whether students do or do not receive Federal Student Aid. These standards include both grade-based (qualitative) and time-based (quantitative) measures. Minimal grade-based standards include maintenance of a “B” (3.0) or better cumulative grade point average and no grades under a “B-” (2.67). Minimal time-based standards include program completion within a maximum of 10 years. In order to complete the program within the maximum allowable time, students must complete an average of 6 credits per semester. Periods when students do not receive Title IV aid do count toward maximum allowable time. Students’ progress in meeting these standards as well as their overall progress toward degree completion is evaluated annually and written progress reports are provided to students by their academic advisors. As a graduate program, federal standards regarding program completion within 150% of published length of the program do not apply.
Failure to meet minimum standards of progress will result in placing the student on probation or being dismissed. Students who receive two grades of “C” (2.0), C+ (2.33) to “C-” (1.67), in the same semester or at any point during their tenure will be placed on probation. Another grade of “C+” (2.33) to “F” (0.00) will result in dismissing the student from the program. A student who has completed three consecutive or concurrent 3- or 4-credit courses with a “B” (3.0) or above will be removed from probation, provided the student’s overall grade point average is at least 3.00. If the grade point average is less than 3.00 after the student has received three consecutive or concurrent grades of “B” or better, the student will remain on probation until the grade point average reaches 3.00. For purposes of satisfactory academic progress, summer semesters are considered regular academic terms.
Students who withdraw from courses, fail to complete courses in which they enroll (i.e., receive grades of “Incomplete”), and repeat courses may find their pace of completion of the program slowed. Students who receive transfer credits from other schools may complete the program faster. (A maximum of 18 transfer credits is allowed.) Students who receive a grade of Incomplete in a course have 8 weeks following the last day of the semester to complete the course requirements. If a student fails to complete the requirements by the 8 weeks, the student’s grade in the course will become “F.”
Students must repeat any required course in which they received a grade lower than “B-” (2.67). Elective courses in which students received a grade lower than “B-” need not be repeated but a replacement elective must be taken. Students are not allowed to repeat a course in which they received a passing grade (“B-” or higher). Repeated courses may lengthen students’ time to degree completion and failed courses will decrease a student’s overall grade point average.
WSPP does not offer non-credit remedial courses. Also, change of major or pursuit of a second degree is non-applicable.
The Dean will review each case of dismissal from the program. Under special, mitigating circumstances (e.g., a medical emergency, a personal or family crisis), the student may request to be allowed to remain in the program. Should the Dean grant the student’s request, the student will continue as a WSPP student able to take courses. Requirements for reinstatement as a regular status student are the same as those listed in #2 above.